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Jeremy Levy



Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Pittsburgh
University of Pittsburgh

The mission of the LevyLab is to explore novel phenomena in solid state systems in order to provide the physical foundation for future technologies. Their research centers around a number of intersecting areas including:
oxide nanoelectronics
experimental realizations for quantum computation
semiconductor and oxide spintronics
quantum transport
nanoscale superconductivity
nanoscale optics
lattice phenomena and ferroelectricity

Dr. Levy is Director of the Pittsburgh Quantum Institute, the Center for Oxide-Semiconductor Materials for Quantum Computation, a Multidisciplinary University Research Initiative (MURI) on Quantum Preservation, Simulation and Transfer in Oxide Nanostructures, and a NSF Nanoelectronics for 2020 and Beyond program, and a Class of 2015 National Security Science and Engineering Faculty Fellow (NSSEFF).

Most Cited Publications

"Room-temperature ferroelectricity in strained SrTiO3." JH Haeni, P Irvin, W Chang, Reinhard Uecker, P Reiche, YL Li, S Choudhury, W Tian, ME Hawley, B Craigo, AK Tagantsev, XQ Pan, SK Streiffer, Long-Qing Chen, SW Kirchoefer, J Levy, Darrell G Schlom. Nature.
"Nanoscale control of an interfacial metal–insulator transition at room temperature." Cheng Cen, Stefan Thiel, German Hammerl, Christof W Schneider, KE Andersen, CS Hellberg, Jochen Mannhart, J Levy. Nature materials.
"Oxide nanoelectronics on demand." Cheng Cen, Stefan Thiel, Jochen Mannhart, Jeremy Levy. Science.
"Universal Quantum Computation with Spin-1/2 Pairs and Heisenberg Exchange." Jeremy Levy. Physical Review Letters.
"A ferroelectric oxide made directly on silicon." Maitri P Warusawithana, Cheng Cen, Charles R Sleasman, Joseph C Woicik, Yulan Li, Lena Fitting Kourkoutis, Jeffrey A Klug, Hao Li, Philip Ryan, Li-Peng Wang, Michael Bedzyk, David A Muller, Long-Qing Chen, Jeremy Levy, Darrell G Schlom. Science.

Recent Publications

"Strong Aharonov-Bohm quantum interference in simply connected structures." Patrick Irvin, Hyungwoo Lee, Jung-Woo Lee, Megan Briggeman, Shicheng Lu, Anil Annadi, Guanglei Cheng, Michelle Tomczyk, Jinanan Li, Mengchen Huang, Chang-Beom Eom, Jeremy Levy. Physical Review B.
"Pascal conductance series in ballistic one-dimensional LaAlO/SrTiO channels." Megan Briggeman, Michelle Tomczyk, Binbin Tian, Hyungwoo Lee, Jung-Woo Lee, Yuchi He, Anthony Tylan-Tyler, Mengchen Huang, Chang-Beom Eom, David Pekker, Roger SK Mong, Patrick Irvin, Jeremy Levy. arXiv preprint arXiv:1909.05698.
"Coupled Nanowires: Long‐Range Non‐Coulombic Electron–Electron Interactions between LaAlO3/SrTiO3 Nanowires (Adv. Mater. Interfaces 15/2019)." Yuhe Tang, Anthony Tylan‐Tyler, Hyungwoo Lee, Jung‐Woo Lee, Michelle Tomczyk, Mengchen Huang, Chang‐Beom Eom, Patrick Irvin, Jeremy Levy. Advanced Materials Interfaces.
"Long‐Range Non‐Coulombic Electron–Electron Interactions between LaAlO3/SrTiO3 Nanowires." Yuhe Tang, Anthony Tylan‐Tyler, Hyungwoo Lee, Jung‐Woo Lee, Michelle Tomczyk, Mengchen Huang, Chang‐Beom Eom, Patrick Irvin, Jeremy Levy. Advanced Materials Interfaces.
"Reconfigurable edge-state engineering in graphene using LaAlO3/SrTiO3 nanostructures." Jianan Li, Qing Guo, Lu Chen, Shan Hao, Yang Hu, Jen-Feng Hsu, Hyungwoo Lee, Jung-Woo Lee, Chang-Beom Eom, Brian D'Urso, Patrick Irvin, Jeremy Levy. Applied Physics Letters.

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