The International Conference on Reproducibility in Condensed Matter Physics is open to those who have registered and been accepted, as well as faculty, postdocs, and students from the University of Pittsburgh and Carnegie Mellon University with valid ID.
Webinar Registration Link for the Conference sessions, morning Thursday and morning Friday: https://pitt.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_Nchgn5DIRQuFxpTV8V5A_w
More information on the Reproducibility and Integrity in Natural Sciences Discussion Panel is available here!
Scope of the conference:
- Ongoing reproducibility efforts in experimental theoretical and computational condensed matter physics
- Assessing the prevalence of unreliable research and ways to identify it
- Examples of best reproducibility practices
- Integrating reproducibility principles into education and training
- Building up infrastructure to support reproducibility and open science
- Developing advice on changes to publication and funding policy
- Recognizing and rewarding reproducibility work and open science efforts
Thursday May 9
9:00am | Welcome Remarks |
Morning Session (Broadcast) Chair: Seth Putterman (UCLA) |
9:15am | James Hamlin (University of Florida) |
9:35am | Stuart Brown (UCLA) |
9:55am | Charles Gould (University of Wurzburg) |
10:15-11:00am | Coffee Break |
11:00am | Henry Legg (Basel University) |
11:20am | Workgroups Set Up & Charge (Not Public) |
12:20-2:00pm | Lunch Break |
Afternoon Session | |
2:00-4:00pm | Workgroups |
4:00pm | Refreshments |
4:30-5:30pm | General Public Panel: Reproducibility and Integrity in Natural Sciences (Broadcast) Moderator: Tomasz Durakiewicz, NSF Laura Greene (FSU), Karl Ziemelis (Nature), Jelena Stajic (Science), Jessica Thomas (APS), Henry Legg (Basel) |
6:30pm | Conference Dinner (By Invitation) |
Friday May 10
Morning Session (Broadcast) Chair: Samaresh Guchhait (Howard University) |
9:00am | Sergio Tapias (SciPost) |
9:20am | Igor Mazin (George Mason University) |
9:40am | Vincent Mourik (FZ Juelich) |
10:00am | Eugenie Reich (Eugenie Reich Law, LLC) |
10:30-11:00am | Coffee Break & Book Signing by Reich |
11:00am | Beth Masimore (NSF) |
11:30am | Reproducibility Panel (Broadcast) Moderator: Babak Seradjeh (Indiana University) Beth Masimore (NSF), Frank Marsiglio (U. Alberta), Vincent Mourik (FZ Juelich), Justyna Zwolak (NIST), Dan Dahlberg (U. Minnesota) |
12:30-2:00pm | Lunch Break |
Afternoon Session | |
2:00-5:00pm | Workgroups |
5:00pm | Homework |
Saturday May 11
Morning Session (Closed) Chair: Sergey Frolov (University of Pittsburgh) |
9:00-11:00am | Workgroup Presentations |
11:00-12:00pm | Discussion |
12:00pm | Free |
Organizing Committee:
- Sergey Frolov, University of Pittsburgh (local organizer)
- Ana Akrap, Fribourg University, Switzerland
- Samaresh Guchhait, Howard University
- Babak Seradjeh, Indiana University
- Brian Skinner, Ohio State University
National Science Foundation Grant No DMR-2326983
Supported by the Pittsburgh Quantum Institute
Supported by the Julian Schwinger Foundation