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Raúl Hernández Sánchez



Department of Chemistry
University of Pittsburgh

Raúl Hernández Sánchez's research group is interested in combining supramolecular, inorganic, and materials chemistry to synthesize functional systems that bridge the gap between nanoscale materials and molecular chemistry. Their research is focused on developing new synthetic methodologies to access well-defined nanometer-sized clusters where they can investigate surface structure-function relationships relevant in catalytic and magnetic materials. Other efforts in the Hernández Sánchez (HS) group are aimed at designing and synthesizing structural analogues of carbon nanotubes where exquisite control of the resulting framework allows for properties manipulation.
Students in the HS group will engage in synthetic chemistry and develop familiarity with a range of spectroscopic, electrochemical, crystallographic and magnetic techniques. While rooted in synthetic chemistry, research in the HS group will interface with materials, organic, theory, and physical chemistry.

Most Cited Publications

"High total proton conductivity in large-grained yttrium-doped barium zirconate," Y Yamazaki, R Hernandez-Sanchez, SM Haile, Chemistry of Materials 21, 2755 (2009
 "Cation non-stoichiometry in yttrium-doped barium zirconate: phase behavior, microstructure, and proton conductivity," Y Yamazaki, R Hernandez-Sanchez, SM Haile, Journal of Materials Chemistry 20, 8158 (2010)
"Disulfide Reductive Elimination From an Iron (III) Complex." Janice L. Wong, R Hernandez-Sanchez, Jennifer Glancy Logan, et. al.  Chemical Science 4.4 (2013)
"Probing the role of an Fe IV Tetrazene in Catalytic Aziridination."  S Alan Cramer, R Hernandez-Sanchez, Desiraw F Brakhage, David M Jenkins.  Chemical Communications 50.90 (2014)
"A Remarkably Active Iron Catecholate Catalyst Immobilized in a Porous Organic Polymer." Steven J. Kraft, R Hernandez-Sanchez, and Adam S Hock.  ACS Catalysis 3.5 (2013)

Recent Publications

"Exposing the inadequacy of redox formalisms by resolving redox inequivalence within isovalent clusters," Bartholomew, A. K., Teesdale, J. J., Sánchez, R. H., Malbrecht, B. J., Juda, C. E., Ménard, G., ... & Sarangi, R. (2019).  Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 116(32), 15836-15841.
"Controlling Singlet Fission by Molecular Contortion," Conrad-Burton, Felisa S., Taifeng Liu, Florian Geyer, Roberto Costantini, Andrew P. Schlaus, Michael S. Spencer, Jue Wang et al. Journal of the American Chemical Society 141, no. 33 (2019): 13143-13147.
"Defying strain in the synthesis of an electroactive bilayer helicene." Milton, Margarita, Nathaniel J. Schuster, Daniel W. Paley, Raúl Hernández Sánchez, Fay Ng, Michael L. Steigerwald, and Colin Nuckolls. Chemical Science (2018).
"Thermally persistent high spin ground states in octahedral iron clusters." Hernández Sánchez, Raúl, and Theodore A. Betley. Journal of the American Chemical Society (2018).
"Electron Cartography in Clusters." Raúl Hernández Sánchez, Anouck M Champsaur, Bonnie Choi, Suyin Grass Wang, et. al.  Angewande Chemie International 57.42 (2018)

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