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Science2015 Poster Award Winners

Congratulations to the Science2015 Poster Award Winners!

Adam Argondizzo
Adam Argondizzo
Petek Group
Physics, Pitt
Edward Beall
Edward Beall
Waldeck Group
Chemistry, Pitt
Megan Briggeman
Megan Briggeman
Levy Lab
Physics, Pitt
Devashish Gopalan
Devashish Gopalan
Feenstra Group
Physics, CMU
Mitchell Groenenboom
Mitch Groenenboom
Keith Group
Chemical and Petroleum Engineering, Pitt
Peng Ji
Peng Ji
D'Urso Group
Physics, Pitt



Adam Argondizzo poster

Edward Beall poster

Megan Kirkendall Poster

Devashish Gopalan poster

Mitchell Groenenboom poster

Peng ji Poster