Congratulations to the Science2018 Poster Award Winners!
Yasemin Basdogan (Keith group, Pitt Chemical and Petroleum Engineering), Xi Cao (Hatridge Group, Pitt Physics), Tejal Sawant (McKone Group, Pitt Chemical and Petroleum Engineering), Dengyu Yang (Levy Group, Pitt Physics), Amanda Dumi (Lambrecht Group, Pitt Chemistry), Matthew Grasinger (Dayal Group, CMU Civil and Environmental Engineering) won the poster awards ($1,000 travel award plus Echo Dot or Google Home mini).
Scott Crawford (Millstone Group, Pitt Chemistry), Lu Chen (Levy Group, Pitt Physics), Xing Yee Gan (Millstone group, Pitt Chemistry), Jierui Liang (Fullerton group, Pitt Chmemical and Petroleum Engineering) won the veteran awards (choice of Amazon Echo Dot or Google Home mini).
PQI undergraduate students Phillip Shenk (Levy group, Pitt Physics) won the best undergraduate award (choice of Amazon Echo Dot or Google Home mini).
Also, special thanks to the poster judges for participating in this event.